A Weekend in Volcano (Big Island)

March 9-10: two day event at the Kilauea Military Camp in Volcano. You can attend either one or both days.

Email mpcarion@gmail.com with questions or to RSVP.

Saturday March 9
1:00 Meeting will start at the Kilauea Military Camp Lehua Meeting Room
1:15-1:45 Seth Judge of Volcano National Parks will do a presentation on the Population Trends of the Forest Birds at Volcano National Park
2:00-2:30 Mike and Nicole Carion will give a practical guide to using e-Bird
2:45-4:30 Kate Righter from Hawaii Audubon Society state chapter in Oahu will give presentation on Journaling while birding

Note: Kate’s presentation will include hands on practice on journaling while birding, if you can, please bring a pencil or colored pencils and a notebook or sketch pad so you can learn how to journal on your bird walks.  This will include a short outdoor practical and you can put your new skills to use on Sunday on our bird walk!


Sunday March 10
8:00-10:00 0r 10:30 We will do a bird walk in the National Park and see what we can find. We are looking at a couple of options.  We can meet at the main parking area of the park’s Visitor center. Bring your own sketchbook and pen/pencil if you’d like to nature journal on the walk.