Manu o kū, often called white fairy terns in Hawaiʻi, live on remote tropical islands free of cats, rats, and mongoose worldwide. Remarkably, about 3,500 of these seabirds raise their no-nest chicks in plain sight amid the lights, traffic, and noise of Honolulu, delighting people with their fluttery flights and adorable offspring.
Join us to experience Susan Scott engage you with stories and knowledge about one of Honolulu’s most loved native birds, told alongside a delightful slideshow. Susan will introduce you to the community science project in collaboration with our sister organization, Hui Manu o Kū, and share ways residents and visitors can help researchers learn more about the unique and charming, manu o Kū.
*Reservations required. Call the restaurant at 808-923-4852, and request a reservation to confirm your attendance for the Manu o Kū talk event on September 10th.
20% discount off of food and drinks plus free parking for Hawaiʻi Audubon Society members and kamaʻaina (with local Hawaiʻi ID).