
Is your kōlea a Jack or a Jill? Now is the time to tell

Part of springtime fun in Hawaii is watching our plovers’ changes color and size. It’s also the only time of year we know for sure that the bird we’ve been admiring in our yard, park, or playground is male or female. Kōlea begin shedding their winter feathers, and growing their breeding-colored feathers, in February. This […]

Is your kōlea a Jack or a Jill? Now is the time to tell Read More »

Every Kōlea Counts (Oʻahu)

Join Susan Scott as she describes, in a slide show, the Hawaii Audubon Societyʻs citizen science kōlea project. Susan, the Kōlea Count study manager, will share ways residents and visitors can help researchers learn more about one of Hawaiʻi’s favorite native birds, the Pacific Golden-Plover. March 8  Wahiawa Botanical Garden 10 – 12 AM **Note: there are

Every Kōlea Counts (Oʻahu) Read More »